23 research outputs found

    The Geography of Scientific Collaboration

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    Science is increasingly defined by multidimensional collaborative networks. Despite the unprecedented growth of scientific collaboration around the globe – the collaborative turn – geography still matters for the cognitive enterprise. This book explores how geography conditions scientific collaboration and how collaboration affects the spatiality of science. This book offers a complex analysis of the spatial aspects of scientific collaboration, addressing the topic at a number of levels: individual, organizational, urban, regional, national, and international. Spatial patterns of scientific collaboration are analysed along with their determinants and consequences. By combining a vast array of approaches, concepts, and methodologies, the volume offers a comprehensive theoretical framework for the geography of scientific collaboration. The examples of scientific collaboration policy discussed in the book are taken from the European Union, the United States, and China. Through a number of case studies the authors analyse the background, development and evaluation of these policies. This book will be of interest to researchers in diverse disciplines such as regional studies, scientometrics, R&D policy, socio-economic geography and network analysis. It will also be of interest to policymakers, and to managers of research organisations

    The Geography of Scientific Collaboration

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    Science is increasingly defined by multidimensional collaborative networks. Despite the unprecedented growth of scientific collaboration around the globe – the collaborative turn – geography still matters for the cognitive enterprise. This book explores how geography conditions scientific collaboration and how collaboration affects the spatiality of science. This book offers a complex analysis of the spatial aspects of scientific collaboration, addressing the topic at a number of levels: individual, organizational, urban, regional, national, and international. Spatial patterns of scientific collaboration are analysed along with their determinants and consequences. By combining a vast array of approaches, concepts, and methodologies, the volume offers a comprehensive theoretical framework for the geography of scientific collaboration. The examples of scientific collaboration policy discussed in the book are taken from the European Union, the United States, and China. Through a number of case studies the authors analyse the background, development and evaluation of these policies. This book will be of interest to researchers in diverse disciplines such as regional studies, scientometrics, R&D policy, socio-economic geography and network analysis. It will also be of interest to policymakers, and to managers of research organisations

    : Final report

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    63 p.Interest in cities is growing again in Europe. Theories of "growth poles" forgotten since the 1960s re-emerge, although in different form, without the idea of building new cities in the desert. Metropolitanisation, although sometimes difficult to grasp empirically, is recognized as a post-fordist phenomena, with a gain of the importance of large cities, linked to the increasing need for size-based agglomeration effect in the global, networked knowledge economy. And European policy makers are once again discussing the need of and the form for new urban policies at European (as witnessed by the above quote), but also at national scale. From the outset, this project has had two, complementary, but not always easily reconcilable orientations: provide a broad overview of the current and future issues relevant to urban development in all of Europe, advance scientifically beyond the established and well-known data and analyses, provide innovative research. As this report was elaborated in parallel to the new State of European Cities report to be published by DG Regio, we also aimed at complementarity with that report, not wanting to repeat the same analyses based on the same data. In this project, we, therefore, worked in three parallel strands. First, all teams went through the current literature to extract the knowledge about trends, perspectives and, most importantly, driving forces for urban development in their thematic fields. Second, each of the teams focused on one or two innovative empirical research questions, generally tapping new data sources. Finally, our scenario team has taken the work of the other teams, and substantially augmented it through additional literature review, aiming at covering an even larger horizon and to provide a complete knowledge base on urban development, necessary for integrated prospective thinking. On this basis the scenarios were developed. The structure of the report reflects these three strands, adding a fourth, new strand, which consists in an assessment of the current national policy visions on urban issues across Europe. Details of all the literature reviews and analyses are presented in the scientific report

    : Final report

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    63 p.Interest in cities is growing again in Europe. Theories of "growth poles" forgotten since the 1960s re-emerge, although in different form, without the idea of building new cities in the desert. Metropolitanisation, although sometimes difficult to grasp empirically, is recognized as a post-fordist phenomena, with a gain of the importance of large cities, linked to the increasing need for size-based agglomeration effect in the global, networked knowledge economy. And European policy makers are once again discussing the need of and the form for new urban policies at European (as witnessed by the above quote), but also at national scale. From the outset, this project has had two, complementary, but not always easily reconcilable orientations: provide a broad overview of the current and future issues relevant to urban development in all of Europe, advance scientifically beyond the established and well-known data and analyses, provide innovative research. As this report was elaborated in parallel to the new State of European Cities report to be published by DG Regio, we also aimed at complementarity with that report, not wanting to repeat the same analyses based on the same data. In this project, we, therefore, worked in three parallel strands. First, all teams went through the current literature to extract the knowledge about trends, perspectives and, most importantly, driving forces for urban development in their thematic fields. Second, each of the teams focused on one or two innovative empirical research questions, generally tapping new data sources. Finally, our scenario team has taken the work of the other teams, and substantially augmented it through additional literature review, aiming at covering an even larger horizon and to provide a complete knowledge base on urban development, necessary for integrated prospective thinking. On this basis the scenarios were developed. The structure of the report reflects these three strands, adding a fourth, new strand, which consists in an assessment of the current national policy visions on urban issues across Europe. Details of all the literature reviews and analyses are presented in the scientific report

    Spatial Aspects Of Collaborative Networks In Science - Lessons From Poland

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    The notion of a network is one of the key terms used to describe the contemporary world. The role of cooperation networks is also stressed in the context of innovation and its spatial aspects. In this particular case, most attention is given to metropolises as major networks of flows not only of people, capital or goods, but also of information and knowledge. The paper discusses selected spatial aspects of collaborative networks in Polish science. The discussion of examples is preceded by a theoretical introduction intended to outline various aspects of innovation networks at national and regional levels, with particular emphasis on the role of metropolises in collaborative networks

    Polish Scientific and Research Centres in the ESPON Programme

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    Opracowanie przybliża koncepcję programu ESPON (European Spatial Planning Observation Network) dotyczącego badań w zakresie rozwoju przestrzennego rozszerzającej się UE oraz przedstawia rolę polskich ośrodków naukowo-badawczych w tym programie. Ponadto na podstawie doświadczeń Centrum Europejskich Studiów Regionalnych i Lokalnych podsumowano zarówno zalety, jak i trudności związane z uczestniczeniem w programie. W podsumowaniu wskazane zostały propozycje możliwości zwiększenia udziału polskich ośrodków naukowych w inicjatywie ESPON.The article introduces the concept of ESPON (European Spatial Planning Observation Network) programme, dealing with a research on spatial development of enlarging European Union. The role of Polish research units in the programme is described. The article demonstrates also the benefits and constrains related to the participation in ESPON, based on the experience of the Centre for European Regional and Local Studies. Several suggestions on how to increase Polish participation in the ESPON programme are formulated

    Rozwój regionalny w warunkach gospodarki informacyjnej

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    W artykule została przedstawiona istota gospodarki informacyjnej – nowego paradygmatu organizacji współczesnej gospodarki światowej. Wskazano na wzrost roli informacji jako zasobu produkcyjnego, zmieniającego znaczenie pozostałych czynników wytwórczych oraz mającego istotny wpływ na specyfikę gospodarowania. Omówiono oddziaływanie zachodzących zmian na charakter rozwoju regionów. Podjęto także próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie, jakie wyzwania stawia gospodarka informacyjna dla rozwoju regionalnego. Należy się spodziewać, że era cywilizacji informacyjnej przyczyni się do pogłębienia dysproporcji regionalnych. Regionom opóźnionym trudniej będzie znaleźć szansę rozwoju w zmieniających się uwarunkowaniach, szczególnie w odniesieniu do nowych kryteriów lokalizacji

    Spatial aspects of collaborative networks in science: Lessons from Poland

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    Pojęcie sieci jest jednym z kluczowych pojęć opisujących współczesny świat. Znaczenie sieci współpracy podkreślane jest także w kontekście innowacyjności i jej przestrzennych aspektów. W tym przypadku zwraca się szczególną uwagę na metropolie, będące głównymi węzłami sieci przepływów nie tylko ludzi, pieniędzy czy towarów, lecz także informacji i wiedzy. Artykuł przedstawia wybrane przestrzenne aspekty współpracy naukowej w Polsce. Prezentacja przykładów poprzedzona została teoretycznym wprowadzeniem omawiającym różne aspekty sieci innowacyjności na poziomie krajowym i regionalnym, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem miejsca metropolii w sieciach współpracy.The notion of a network is one of the key terms used to describe the contemporary world. The role of cooperation networks is also stressed in the context of innovation and its spatial aspects. In this particular case, most attention is given to metropolises as major networks of flows not only of people, capital or goods, but also of information and knowledge. The paper discusses selected spatial aspects of collaborative networks in Polish science. The discussion of examples is preceded by a theoretical introduction intended to outline various aspects of innovation networks at national and regional levels, with particular emphasis on the role of metropolises in collaborative networks

    Rola nauki w procesie ewolucji polityki inteligentnych specjalizacji w Unii Europejskiej

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    Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie planowanych kierunków zmian w zakresie polityki inteligentnych specjalizacji w UE. Zmiany w zakresie tej polityki polegają na: 1) nadaniu jej większego priorytetu w polityce spójności, 2) jakościowym podejściu do opracowywania i wdrażania strategii inteligentnych specjalizacji, 3) uwzględnieniu potrzeb różnych grup regionów oraz 4) wzmacnianiu współpracy transregionalnej w zakresie inteligentnych specjalizacji. Autorka proponuje wzmocnienie roli KN PAN w procesach planowania polityki inteligentnych specjalizacji zgodnie z podejściem Quadruple Helix czy Civic Univeristy.Paper aims at the description of the main direction of adjustments of the smart specialisation policy in the EU. These adjustments consist of 1) giving the higher priority within cohesion policy, 2) qualitative approach in the designing and implementation of smart specialisation strategies, 3) addressing the needs of various types of regions and, 4) enhancement of transregional collaboration within smart specialisations. The author proposes to strengthen the role of Science of Science Committee, Polish Academy of Science in the process of smart specialisation policy planning accordingly to the Quadruple Helix and Civic University approaches

    The Impact of Information and Telecommunication Technologies on Development of Lagging Region (Podlaskie Voivodship Case Study)

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    Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie wpływu technologii informacyjnych na zachowania przestrzenne głównych aktorów tworzących układ regionalny (przedsiębiorstw, gospodarstw domowych, władz publicznych). Artykuł wykorzystuje wyniki regionalnego studium przypadku przeprowadzonego w ramach projektu ESPON 1.2.3. Do przeprowadzonych w 2006 r. badań wybrano województwo podlaskie stanowiące przykład słabo rozwiniętego regionu peryferyjnego. W szczególności przedmiotem analizy był zakres oraz efekty wykorzystania nowych technologii w sektorze przedsiębiorstw oraz w sektorze władz publicznych.The aim of the paper is to present the impact of ICT on the spatial behaviour of the main actors (households, enterprises, public administration) that constitute the regional economic system. The results are based on the regional case study developed within the ESPON 1.2.3 project. The research has been conducted in 2006 in the Podlaskie Voivodship – an example of peripheral Polish region. In particular the analysis covers the range and effects of new technologies implementation both in private and public sectors